Unemployment Fightback – a ‘Fast and Furious’ meeting
On 29 May 11-12.30pm we have speakers for a 'Fast and Furious' webinar of experiences and ideas for the struggle ahead from trade unionists, political activists and campaigners: Bill Greenshields […]
Unemployment Fightback – a ‘Fast and Furious’ meeting
On 29 May 11-12.30pm we have speakers for a 'Fast and Furious' webinar of experiences and ideas for the struggle ahead from trade unionists, political activists and campaigners: Bill Greenshields […]
Fairy Tales from the Landlord Lobby
Greater Manchester CPB are joined by Greater Manchester Tenants Union, who will be exploding the myths around rent control and examining case studies from cities outside England. Register Now:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fairy-tales-from-the-landlord-lobby-tickets-156340856711
Fairy Tales from the Landlord Lobby
Greater Manchester CPB are joined by Greater Manchester Tenants Union, who will be exploding the myths around rent control and examining case studies from cities outside England. Register Now:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fairy-tales-from-the-landlord-lobby-tickets-156340856711
Rise of Right Wing authoritarianism and the re-writing of history
SHROPSHIRE CP PUBLIC MEETING - from Lithuania to the Ukraine, from Poland to Rumania Right wing governments are on the rise. And for some of their supporters, the post '45 political settlement is again to be challenged and undone. Hear author and historian Phil Katz talk about holocaust and historical revisionism and why we must […]
Rise of Right Wing authoritarianism and the re-writing of history
SHROPSHIRE CP PUBLIC MEETING - from Lithuania to the Ukraine, from Poland to Rumania Right wing governments are on the rise. And for some of their supporters, the post '45 political settlement is again to be challenged and undone. Hear author and historian Phil Katz talk about holocaust and historical revisionism and why we must […]
Unemployment Fightback organising meeting
The 5 June 11- 12.30pm follow-up meeting will focus on organising trade unions and community campaigns to build the movement. Speakers include Jo Rust (Secretary Kings Lynn and District trades council), Henry Fowler (Strikemap), Ian Taylor (CWU Manchester) and others. Chaired by TUC silver badge holder and Derby Trades Council Moz Greenshields. REGISTER HERE https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdemrrz4jE92nBjvY91R99epaMoyJMn_p
Unemployment Fightback organising meeting
The 5 June 11- 12.30pm follow-up meeting will focus on organising trade unions and community campaigns to build the movement. Speakers include Jo Rust (Secretary Kings Lynn and District trades council), Henry Fowler (Strikemap), Ian Taylor (CWU Manchester) and others. Chaired by TUC silver badge holder and Derby Trades Council Moz Greenshields. REGISTER HERE https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdemrrz4jE92nBjvY91R99epaMoyJMn_p
Introducing the Youth Charter
Organised by the Southern District, the newest district of the communist party with guest speaker from the Young Communist League. REGISTER HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/youth-charter-tickets-151059319491?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
Introducing the Youth Charter
Organised by the Southern District, the newest district of the communist party with guest speaker from the Young Communist League. REGISTER HERE https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/youth-charter-tickets-151059319491?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
Morning Star MEET – Campaigning on anti -racism and on non-racist immigration and nationality policies
The Morning Star is pleased to have 10 speakers from different organisations who will talk about their views on what is wrong with the Government's Immigration and Nationality Policies and how we develop anti-racist actions which make a real difference. The event is particularly important given the Government's continue attacks and the introduction of new […]
Morning Star MEET – Campaigning on anti -racism and on non-racist immigration and nationality policies
The Morning Star is pleased to have 10 speakers from different organisations who will talk about their views on what is wrong with the Government's Immigration and Nationality Policies and how we develop anti-racist actions which make a real difference. The event is particularly important given the Government's continue attacks and the introduction of new […]