LGBT+ Commission

Even before the founding of the Communist Party in 1920, English socialists such as Edward Carpenter advocated the breaking down of sexual and gender oppression.

Communists recognise that there are clear links between LGBT+ discrimination and class oppression. Whereas the majority of the LGBT+ movement is dominated by liberals, our role is to highlight how capitalism has commodified instead of liberated us. 

As Communists, we must fight against the co-option of our identities by corporations and reactionary organisations who seek to strip class politics out of the movement 

It is essential that we are able to provide solid Marxist solutions to the issues of LGBTphobia. The Communist Party aims to do just that, raising awareness of these issues within the working class and building revolutionary class-consciousness amongst LGBT+ workers. 

We follow the example of Mark Ashton, former General Secretary of the Young Communist League, who through LGSM (Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners) built working-class solidarity between LGBT+ people and Welsh mining communities.

Our LGBT+ Commission works to develop policies for LGBT+ liberation, particularly aiming for unity between the LGBT+ and Women’s movements, in the common cause of socialism and workers’ power. 

As Communists, we work within the broad working-class and LGBT+ movements, providing clear Marxist analysis on issues of gender and sexuality affecting the working-class. 

The Commission works to support LGBT+ members of the Communist Party, ensuring that the views and needs of our members are always heard within the Party. 

For more information about how to contact the LGBT+ Commission, access the Members Area.

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