International Commission

Being founded in 1920 and fighting for socialism in the imperialist core, defeating the imperialism of our own ruling class has away been a central task of our Party. 

Through our long history of struggle and in our programme ‘Britain’s Road to Socialism’ we state that putting an end to British imperialism – the existence of monopoly capitalist exploitation and power in other parts of the world – is the biggest contribution we can make to international liberation and socialism. 

We are a member of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) which is composed of sister Communist Parties throughout the world. You find their statements here

Our international positions are informed by our International Commission, our 
Congress resolutions and our Executive and Political Committees. We also have an active YCL International Department which operates within the structures of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. 

The International Commission chaired by our International Secretary is operated with delegates from each District and Nation as well as the different Area Groups: Asia Pacific, Africa, Americas, Middle East, Europe and Peace. 

The International Commission’s work also includes being active in coordinating our international solidarity, working within broad international solidarity movements here in Britain, attending and contributing to international conferences and congresses, attending international festivals and bilateral meetings, webinars and joint campaigning with our sister Communist Parties (e.g. against NATO). 

For more information about how to contact the International Commission, access the Members Area.

International Bulletin

Resources and Publications

Solidarity with Palestine

Yesterday. Today. Every day The Communist Party of Britain expresses unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people and adds its voice to those demanding an end to the genocide of the […] Read more »

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