For working class unity! Smash racism and fascism!

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The Communist Party unequivocally condemns the racist and Islamophobic attacks by far right thugs on communities, immigrants and refugees across Britain over the last week.

It is clear that these actions were planned by a range of far-right figureheads, commentators and organisations, amounting to a far right offensive. This offensive has been brought about by the mainstream media, politicians and others who have done nothing to challenge the root causes of racism in Britain. On the contrary, their anti-immigrant rhetoric has for years given far-right extremists a platform on which to build and grow.

It is clear that working people cannot trust the police to protect communities from fascists and racists. The left and the trade union movement cannot sit on the sidelines. We must organise collectively to defend our communities. The Communist Party will do all in our power to help build such community resistance. At a local level, we must come together to protect people and homes and places of worship.

Racist divide and rule politics are the oldest trick in the book for the ruling class for distracting working people from the real causes of our problems – capitalism – and scapegoating the most vulnerable.

After 14 years of cuts, with no end in sight and more to come under Starmer’s new Labour government, stagnant wages and declining living conditions, it is clear that capitalism cannot deliver even the basic necessities of a dignified life for the mass of working people. It is these cuts that are to blame for deteriorating public services, not immigrants. It is big business and multinational companies that are to blame for unemployment and poverty pay, not immigrants. It is property speculators and landlords that are to blame for the lack of housing, not immigrants.

It is the capitalist system that is to blame for the problems working people in Britain face – not immigrants.

The Communist Party welcomes and applauds the actions of local people and anti racists in opposing and blocking the far right. We welcome the statements issued by a number of trade unions. These actions give us a cause for hope that we can build a United Front that not only confronts the far right on the streets but also achieves real change for working people to cut the ground from under the far right and make clear the real culprit for our problems and the target of our struggle: capitalism.

We will continue the work of our Party with the Indian Workers Association, Bangladeshi Workers Council, Caribbean Labour Socialism and Jewish Voice for Labour in putting forward well researched demands for anti racist immigration and nationality laws. We welcome the work of Stand up to Racism and the Liberation Movement in campaigning against racism. We welcome the coverage and commentary made in the Morning Star in steadfastly opposing the far right, unlike the ruling class and state media.

While capitalism persists, the threat of the far right and fascism which it nurtures will always remain. Socialism is the only permanent defeat for the fascism.

Our tasks are clear:

• Build the United Front!

• Smash racism and fascism!

• Fight for real change!