The General Secretary is elected by and responsible to the Party’s Executive Committee which is elected by the All-Britain Congress, the supreme democratic body of the Communist Party.
The General Secretary is responsible for giving political and organisational leadership to the Executive and Political Committees and the Party as a whole, and also acts as a leading public representative and spokesperson for the Party, representing the Party in the media and at domestic and international events.
In the past, many famous and distinguished comrades have held the post of General Secretary of our Party including legendary leader Harry Pollitt, whose name and legacy is carried forward in the YCL’s annual Harry Pollitt School.
Robert Griffiths

Our current General Secretary is Comrade Robert Griffiths, who has served as the Party’s General Secretary since 1998.
Robert Griffiths was born, raised and still lives and works in Cardiff and is a member of the Cardiff Branch and the Welsh Committee of the Party. He is a fluent Welsh speaker and passionate advocate for Welsh Language and culture.
Prior to becoming General Secretary of the Party, he worked as a trade union official, including serving as the Welsh president of AUEW-TASS, and as an academic in trade union studies.
Robert Griffiths has been a life long fighter for peace and socialism and has led our Party through a difficult period for Communist movement in Britain and internationally – and now into an exciting period of growth and strengthening.
For more information about how to contact the General Secretary, access the Members Area.