Unemployment Fightback organising meeting
The 5 June 11- 12.30pm follow-up meeting will focus on organising trade unions and community campaigns to build the movement. Speakers include Jo Rust (Secretary Kings Lynn and District trades council), Henry Fowler (Strikemap), Ian Taylor (CWU Manchester) and others. Chaired by TUC silver badge holder and Derby Trades Council Moz Greenshields. REGISTER HERE https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdemrrz4jE92nBjvY91R99epaMoyJMn_p
Unemployment Fightback organising meeting
The 5 June 11- 12.30pm follow-up meeting will focus on organising trade unions and community campaigns to build the movement. Speakers include Jo Rust (Secretary Kings Lynn and District trades council), Henry Fowler (Strikemap), Ian Taylor (CWU Manchester) and others. Chaired by TUC silver badge holder and Derby Trades Council Moz Greenshields. REGISTER HERE https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdemrrz4jE92nBjvY91R99epaMoyJMn_p