The Communist Party

Today, Britain’s working class are living through a period where the struggle for socialism has taken on a new urgency.

Our struggle is no longer just a battle to replace an evil, oppressive and exploitative system with a peaceful world which guarantees a dignified and full life for everyone in Britain and across the planet. It is now also a time critical fight to save our earth – and all of humanity – before it is poisoned and destroyed by capitalism.

The Communist Party exists because we understand, based on the application of the science of Marxism Leninism, that the transition to Socialism is essential and urgent for humanity and that a vanguard Communist Party is necessary for that to be achieved.

The Communist Party is a revolutionary party that operates on the basis of the creative application of Marxism-Leninism and is organised according to the principles of democratic centralism.

We are democrats, internationalists, socialists, revolutionaries and part of a mass movement, both here in Britain and globally.

The Communist Party is not a narrow sectarian organisation. We work to selflessly help build the trade union movement and the broad movement for progressive change in Britain, in doing so strengthening them organisationally and politically.

We fight to win increasing numbers of working people to Communism and support for the Communist Party and our programme, Britain’s Road to Socialism.

While the struggle for Socialism is there to be won, there will always be a historically essential need and role for the Communist Party and the YCL.

Any person who upholds our values and ideals, has a willingness to struggle and to learn and believes that socialism is urgent and essential for humanity, who wishes the privilege of calling themselves a Communist and calling others comrade, should take their place in our ranks. 

You can find out more about what our Party stands for here: What we stand for

Party Organisation

You can find out more about how our Party is organised below:

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