CP Executive Committee: “Unite against Capitalism’s resource wars”

Communist Party Chair Ruth Styles accused “capitalism’s resource wars” of creating tension, confrontation and violent conflicts around the world addressing the Party’s Executive Committee at the weekend.

She pointed to Western-backed genocide in Palestine, catastrophic conflicts in Africa, the carve-up of Syria, and US threats to seize valuable mineral resources in Ukraine, Greenland and Canada as further evidence that the major imperialist powers are the real “rogue states” threatening the existence of the planet and its peoples.

“Their drive to exploit the earth’s natural resources for profit lies behind the trade wars, the massive rearmament programmes, the support for Israeli state terrorism, and the Western backing of sectarian and anti-democratic forces from Latin America and Africa to the Middle East and the Asian Pacific”, Ms Styles argued.

“Instead of defending the poor, the vulnerable, the oppressed and super-exploited in their own countries and around the world, the leading capitalist states are cutting social programmes at home and aid projects in some of the world’s poorest countries, she added, “and all to fund some of the planet’s biggest carbon polluters, namely, the military-industrial complex”.

In Britain, the CP Chair said, Prime Minister Keir Starmer is now “beating the drums of class war” against working-class pensioners, low-income families, the sick and the disabled.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is widely expect to announce severe cuts and restrictions in social security benefits on Tuesday.

“Captain Starmer is busy reorganising deckchairs in the NHS as public and local government services collapse, refusing to boost investment through a wealth tax on the super-rich while sacking tens of thousands of public sector workers”, Ruth Styles commented.

The Communist Party Executive declared that working-class unity and solidarity – nationally and internationally – is as vital as ever in order to build broad fronts for peace, social progress and environmental security against monopoly capital.


For further information or to arrange an interview contact Johnnie Hunter, Communications Director, johnniehunter@communistparty.org.uk.

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