USA & UK Hands Off Venezuela!

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The presidential elections in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela took place on Sunday 28th July 2024, where it was noted that there was high citizen turnout.

The Communist Party of Britain welcomes the announced defeat of the far right in the Presidential election- whose political agenda would have been catastrophic for the people of Venezuela and the wider region of Latin America.

The election was conducted in peaceful conditions and free of interference/ irregularities as confirmed by the large body of independent international observers. Furthermore, the right-wing opposition in Venezuela had stated in advance of the election that they would refuse to accept any outcome other than the defeat of the incumbent.

The Communist Party notes however the significant reduction in support from 67% in 2018 to 51% in 2024. Primarily this can be attributed to the devastating economic impact of US- led sanctions imposed on Venezuela in recent years. But divisions in Bolivarian forces have undermined internal solidarity, as well as the counterproductive, draconian, and undemocratic judicial and state attacks on the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV).

The Communist Party of Britain condemn external interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela by US imperialism and its allied states in Central and South America.

We call on the result of the election to be respected, the reversal of the attacks on the PCV and for unity of anti-imperialist forces in Venezuela to safeguard the Bolivarian revolution and the legacy of Hugo Chavez.

International Commission

Communist Party