The Communist Party is excited to announce that our national Winter Campaign is now underway.
We’re calling on all comrades, Branches, Districts and Nations across Britain to step up and play their part to build the class struggle – and to build the Party and the YCL!
The Winter Campaign will see our comrades and Branches the length and breadth of the country increasing our levels of activity across the board, with a focus on i) public, propaganda and agitation work, and ii) local solidarity and community aid work.
Branches, Districts and Nations will be active on all fronts between now and the end of the Campaign at the end of February 2025.
We want all Branches to be bold and imaginative with their work and campaigning and provide Communist responses to the problems faced in their local area.
Comrades across Britain will also be taking part in nationally coordinated weeks and weekends of action.
The Winter Campaign
Keir Starmer’s new Labour government has brought a new dynamic to the class struggle, by failing to provide any respite to the ruling class attack on workers’ living standards and rights, facilitating the rise of the far right.
This has opened up the opportunity for the organised working class to push for more radical policies and strengthen the whole trade union movement and left for the battles ahead. But only a united front of working class organisations fighting together and building alliances against monopolies and finance capital can force real change.
The Communist Party fights for these policies in the trade union movement and in our communities. The Party’s Winter Campaign aims to take this message out into the streets.
We are calling on all comrades and Branches to take part in this campaign, taking up the Party’s key messages, developing their own initiatives, adapted to their own local circumstances.
Our aim is to raise class consciousness, show that capitalism and the ruling class are the source of society’s problems, both local and national, and raise working class confidence and unity through practical solidarity.
We are working to strengthen the campaigning culture and capability of the Party at every level across Britain for the struggles that lie ahead. The Winter Campaign aims to be a concrete step in that process.
How you can get involved
Members can find all the relevant information in the most recent Party mailings, Party Organiser and from their Branch.
The Party has provided a growing new suite of campaigning materials to support the campaign including leaflets, posters, stickers etc. If you have any requests or suggestions let us know!
If you’re not a Party member but want to get involved in the Campaign locally or want more information please contact:
For further information or to arrange an interview contact Johnnie Hunter, Communications Director,