The Communist Party’s Industry, Services, Transport (IST) Advisory Committee, which brings together members of Unite the Union met on Saturday, 7 December 2024, to discuss critical challenges facing trade unionists in our union and beyond.
The Communist Party calls for unity and discipline across and between our trade unions in the interests of members of Unite, other trade unionists and the entire working class. Since Unite’s formation in 2007, our union has played the leading strategic and political role in our labour movement. Sectarian and divisive forces that place this great legacy in jeopardy should be repudiated and resolutely opposed.
The IST Advisory Committee sent solidarity to Unite members currently engaged in industrial action, from Oscar Mayer food production workers fighting fire and rehire in Wrexham, to Livv Housing repair and maintenance staff on strike alongside Unison members for improved pay and conditions in Knowsley, and care workers for vulnerable adults resisting disgraceful management practices by Plymouth council.
CP members noted with deep concern the recent internal events within our union and between Unite and GMB unions being played out in public. These developments undermine confidence in our union and are corrosive of the good union organisation, discipline and solidarity that our members demand and deserve.
CP members pledged to work to rebuild a broad-based left unity in Unite amongst and between our workplace reps, leadership and staff.
The meeting also called on Unite members, Reps and Officers to reach out to GMB members and representatives across public and private sector employers where our unions have joint recognition and joint negotiating structures, to reaffirm our members’ determination to reject divisions at the workplace between our trade unions and to work in unity and solidarity in our best traditions. Unite members and representatives must step up to show the leadership and maturity our movement needs.
The Communist Party stands for working class unity, discipline and militant class struggle. We call on trade unionists who accept these principles to join us.
Communist Party Industry, Services, Transport Advisory Committee Co-Convenors:
Mark Jones (Unite, London & Eastern Region member)
Drew Gilchrist (Unite, Scotland member)