The Communist party is the only party in Britain that the rich can’t buy.
Every penny of our income comes from our hardworking and selfless members and supporters. In return, our guarantee is that every pound goes to campaigning and building the struggle for socialism.
Every penny is essential to our work in building the Party.
We ask that you can give what you can afford, as small donations soon mount up.
If you can donate, we urge you to do so using the options below. A regular monthly donation greatly helps in building the Party on a sure-footing.
Bank Transfer (preferred)
Account Holder: Communist Party
Sort Code: 60-83-01
Account Number: 50725694
Cheque (preferred)
Please send cheques (marked ‘CPB’) to:
Communist Party of Britain, Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Rd, Croydon CR0 1BD.
You can pay by PayPal, but we prefer by direct debit or cheque as that means the full amount of your donation comes to the Communist Party:

We thank you for your contribution to building the struggle for socialism in Britain.